Group Project - MICA Senior Thesis

Level Designer

Game Planer

Assets Artist

Worded as the level and gameplay designer.

  • Designed a 2D game that required problem-solving and observation skills where players play from a mouse’s perspective and the goal is to find the hidden cheese in the kitchen.

  • Considered player satisfaction through player physical and mental skill inspection, as well as safe zone.

  • Balanced the difficulty between mental and physical skills while ensuring that players focus on mental gameplay and mitigate the number of mechanisms that require fast reaction time.

  • Created all five levels’ map and obstacles.

  • Created the main gameplay and ineractives.

  • Created assets (environment models) using Procreate and Photoshop.


Test your memory skills in this cooking game to complete orders and make your robot customers happy. Can you become the best chef?

Automouse is a single-player 2D puzzle game, where the player guides a self-propelled robot mouse by manipulating its interactions with the environment. Players will play from a mouse's perspective and the goal is to find the hidden cheese in the kitchen. Using different codes to control interactions, the game requires logical problem-solving for players to complete levels.


  • Five levels take place in various areas outside and within a house

  • An interactive tutorial for teaching mechanics

  • Score tracking to see progression on each level


Developed as MICA Senior Thesis Course by Hongbing Pan, Sam Hudgins, and Ariana Candido.

Design Statement & Design Document

My idea is to create a 2D puzzle game that tests players’ mental abilities. The design idea is to provide players with an abstract puzzle-solving process in order to complete puzzle solving objective. When solving the puzzles, players need to observe the surrounding changes and find the pattern in order to adapt to the game flow. Players need to use common sense and new logic to apply to the changing nested puzzles.


Potion Decision (2023) - Unity


Collision (2021) - Unity