Potato, Dragon, Wolf, and Seven Goat

Text Generation

Stable Diffusion 2.1

GPT-2 Model Training

Chat GPT

In this project, I aim to explore the creative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in storytelling by combining different models and tools. Specifically, I am using Chat GPT and GPT-2 Text Generating Model with GPU to generate two fairy tale-style stories. The idea is to combine these two stories into one and use Tracery to give it a frame.

My inspiration for this project came from the reading of “The Many Authors of The Several Houses of Brain, Spencer, Liam, Victoria, Brayden, Vincent, and Alex: Authorship, Agency, and Appropriation.“

As someone who loves fairy tales, I wanted to create a fairy tale-style story and see what kind of reaction or surprise can arise from combining the stories written by AI with those written by fairy tale experts.

  • The Wolf devoured the potato and it was not much later that massive castles, thriving cities, and vessels sailing the sea were visible. The golden dragon observed the potato pass the tree and he was snoozing so fiercely that the twigs shuddered. The Wolf had propped its charcoal paws against the window, and the children spotted them from miscreants. They shouted and admired the dragon, and the youngest Kid raced after it. The Golden Dragon hastened to a baker and inquired, “I have a strong desire to view the world from the sky, yet I am not able to fly. Might you be able to transport me on a ride?” When the baker had finished rubbing his feet, he hastened to the miller and shouted, 'Climb on!' The potato clambered onto the dragon's back, and they flew away into the sky. However, the frog declared, 'If you won't, I will swallow you.' Then the frog grinned. 'That's the courage. I have faith in you, little potato. And to aid you on your journey, I will give you a special capability. I will turn you into a supernatural potato, one that can sprout wings and fly.' Now, the wretch went for for a moment and then said, “Open the door for me, Children! Your dear little mother has come home, and has brought every one of you something from the forest with her.' The little Kids cried, 'First showing everyone that even the most unexpected pairs could achieve greatness.' Then he put his paws in through the window. And when the Kids saw that they were amazed. They had never seen a dragon before. But who should come in but the Wolf! They were terrified and wanted to hide themselves. One day, while taking a stroll through the village, it heard a loud roar coming from the nearby forest. Curious, the potato rolled towards the source of the noise. But the Wolf found them all and made no delay, but swallowed one after the other down his throat. The youngest in the clock-case was the only with their trusty farming tools. When the Wolf had filled his stomach, he left, reclined on the dirt trail, and came across a rabbit idling in the grass. In the blink of an eye, the aged Goat was back from the forest. Wow! What a breathtaking sight she espied there! The entrance to the house which stood out among the others in Tater Town was also there. It had long desired to become something more than it was and when she went on, she saw all the stunning sights it had never witnessed before. She sought her children, but they were a sight to behold, with their scaly bodies, sharp talons, and powerful wings. But there was one dragon that was different from the rest. This and made his voice soft with it. After much sorrow, she embarked on a number of quests with her distinct capabilities, seeking to serve others and traverse the planet. They gained acclaim everywhere for their deeds, stuffing as much of it into his belly as feasible. Subsequently, the woman stitched him to the animal and said, 'Allow me to assist you with that branch.' The dragon was taken aback yet thankful for the proposal. It parted its lips and the spud utilized its robust outer shell to exit, and when she had cut deeper, all six emerged in succession, and were still alive, and had experienced no injury whatsoever, for greatness and that it would have an effect on the world. So that he remained oblivious and never moved an inch. When the Wolf had had his sleep out, he got closer, the potato saw a magnificent dragon with shimmering scales and piercing red eyes. The dragon had swallowed them whole. What rejoicing there was! They became known throughout the kingdom as symbols of courage, determination, and hope. And the kingdom thrived, thanks to their bravery and spirit.The frog gazed ponderously at the potato. 'Could I still be alive?' Then the Kid had to run home and fetch scissors, and a needle and thread, and the Goat cut open the monster’s stomach. Hardly had she sure that they were protected and cared for. The dragons lived in a vast forest at the edge of the kingdom, and it was there that they spent their days. The potato hesitated briefly and then declared, 'I understand that it won't be a simple task, yet I will not surrender. I will not unlock the door, our mother doesn't possess the same dark feet as yours. You are the Wolf!' Deep in the boundless woodlands, the golden dragon was aging and weary. It had experienced a long and joyful life, but it realized its life was almost over. It had seen the emergence and disappearance of many dragons, and it had noticed the world alter and develop. Nevertheless, the golden dragon realized it would forever be a piece of the kingdom's legacy. As the golden dragon soared above the woods, a sharp pang in its chest abruptly appeared. It understood that it was time to bid farewell to the universe. It shut its eyes and inhaled profoundly. But as it did, a loud roar was heard from the horizon. The golden dragon opened its eyes and perceived a stunning dragon with gleaming scales and dazzling red eyes. The dragon had a huge tree branch lodged in its mouth, and it was struggling in misery. The golden dragon was aware that it had to lend a hand. It descended to the dragon and delicately tugged the branch from its mouth. The other dragon was appreciative and thanked the golden dragon for its assistance. They conversed for a while, and the golden dragon discovered that the other dragon was a ruler from a distant land. He had come to the kingdom to request the support of the dragons in a great struggle against a powerful adversary. The golden dragon was fascinated and resolved to assist the king. Together, the two dragons flew to the kingdom's castle to meet with the wise and just king. They told him of the impending danger and asked for his help. The king knew that he had to act quickly. He gathered his bravest knights and led them into battle against the enemy. The battle was fierce, and many lives were lost. But in the end, the kingdom emerged victorious. The dragons had fought bravely alongside the knights, breathing fire and causing havoc among the enemy lines. The golden dragon had played a key role in the battle, using its cunning and experience to outmaneuver the enemy's dragons. The enemy's defeat meant the kingdom had been secured once more. The golden dragon felt a swell of satisfaction, with the knowledge that it had safeguarded the kingdom and its occupants. As the golden dragon and the other dragon king prepared to leave the kingdom and return home, they were approached by a small group of animals. Among them was a wise old frog, who had helped the magical potato many years before. The frog drew near to the golden dragon and uttered, 'I have been observing you for a long time, and I have noted your care and protection of the kingdom's dragons. You have been brave and sagacious, and you have stirred many with your actions. Nevertheless, now it is time for you to take a break.' The golden dragon nodded in agreement, realizing that the frog was correct. It had experienced a lengthy and joyous life, and it was time to pass down its inheritance to the subsequent generation. The frog then addressed the other dragon and proclaimed, 'And you, young king, have demonstrated immense courage and resolution. You have demonstrated yourself to be a faithful companion of the kingdom. I am certain that you will become an excellent ruler in the future.'' The other dragon gave thanks to the frog and the golden dragon, then took off and headed for its own kingdom. The golden dragon gazed as the other dragon flew away, feeling proud and hopeful. It was sure that the kingdom was in safe hands and that the dragons' traditions would carry on for many generations. As the golden dragon readied for its concluding voyage, it surveyed the realm for the last time. It noticed the undulating hills, the grand fortresses, and the bustling towns. And it was aware that it had contributed a minor piece in rendering this kingdom splendid. With a concluding gasp, the golden dragon took to the heavens, its wings radiating in the daylight. As it lifted even further, it discerned its body becoming more feathery and liberated. The ache in its chest was gone, and it understood that it had finally attained contentment. On its flight through the forest, the golden dragon caught sight of a number of juvenile dragons assembled in an open area down below. They were completely engrossed in the tales of triumph that an elder dragon was narrating. The golden dragon was aware that its accomplishments would be remembered by these young dragons, who would keep on safeguarding and tending to the people and dragons of the kingdom. With a final roar of triumph, the golden dragon flew higher into the sky until it was no longer visible to the naked eye. But its spirit remained, carried on the winds and echoed in the hearts of all who had been touched by its courage and wisdom. And so, the golden dragon's legacy lived on, inspiring generations to come.

  • The Wolf devoured the potato and it was not much later that massive castles, thriving cities, and vessels sailing the sea were visible. The golden dragon observed the potato pass the tree and he was snoozing so fiercely that the twigs shuddered. The Wolf had held its ebony paws up against the window, and the children viewed them from criminals. They shouted and praised the dragon, and the tiniest Kid sprinted after it. The Golden Dragon hastened to a baker and inquired, “I have a strong yearning to view the world from the sky, yet I cannot fly. Do you think you could take me on a journey?” After the baker completed massaging his toes, he hurried to the miller and exclaimed, 'Jump on!' The potato scrambled up the dragon's back, and they began to soar through the clouds. But the frog stated, 'If you won't, I shall consume you.' Then the frog smiled. 'That's the attitude. I am confident in you, little potato. To assist you on your mission, I shall bestow upon you a unique power. I will transform you into an enchanted potato, able to sprout wings and soar.'' At that moment, the unfortunate person proceeded for a short period and then uttered, 'Allow me in, Kids! Your lovely small mom has arrived home, and has brought something for each of you from the woods.” The little Kids cried, 'First showing everyone that even the most unexpected pairs could achieve greatness.' Then he put his paws in through the window. And when the Kids saw that they were amazed. They had never seen a dragon before. But who should come in but the Wolf! One day, as they strolled through the village, a loud bellow echoed from the close-by forest. Inquisitive, the potato wheeled towards the origin of the sound. Yet the Wolf spotted them all and acted without delay, promptly devouring one after the other down his gullet. The youngest in the clock-case was the only one with their reliable agricultural tools. When the Wolf had filled his stomach, he left, reclined on the dirt trail, and came across a rabbit idling in the grass. In the blink of an eye, the aged Goat was back from the forest. Wow! What a breathtaking sight she espied there! The entrance to the house which stood out among the others in Tater Town was also there. It had long desired to become something more than it was and when she went on, she saw all the stunning sights it had never witnessed before. She looked for her kids, and they were a sight to observe, with their reptilian bodies, razor-like talons, and mighty wings. But one dragon was unlike the rest and he spoke in a gentle tone. Eventually, in her distress she set out on a multitude of journeys together, utilizing their special capabilities to assist others and investigate the world. They became renowned throughout the land as they crammed as much of it into his abdomen as they could. Subsequently, the mother sewed him to the creature and stated, 'Let me help you with that branch.' The dragon was taken aback yet thankful for the proposal. It parted its lips and the spud utilized its robust outer shell to exit, and when she had cut deeper, all six emerged in succession, and were still alive, and had experienced no injury whatsoever, for greatness and that it would have an effect on the world. He was completely ignorant and never moved a muscle. When the Wolf had had his rest, he approached, the potato viewed a splendid dragon with glistening scales and sharp red eyes. The dragon had engulfed them completely. What celebration there was! They became renowned all over the realm as representations of bravery, resolution, and expectation. And the realm flourished, owing to their valor and vigor. The frog looked at the potato thoughtfully. 'I be still alive?' The Kid had to dash home and acquire scissors, and a needle and thread, and the Goat ripped open the monster’s belly. Just after she confirmed that they were defended and taken care of. The dragons lived in a great forest at the fringe of the kingdom, and it was there that they passed their days. The potato paused momentarily and then declared, 'I comprehend that it won't be a straightforward endeavor, yet I won't quit. I will not unlock the door, our mother doesn't have the same black feet as you. You are the Wolf!' Far down in the immense forest, the golden dragon had aged and become tired. It had led an extended and contented life, but it knew its days were numbered. It had observed as many dragons came and went, and it had watched the world evolve and expand. In spite of all the alterations, the golden dragon recognized it would always be a part of the kingdom's heritage. As the golden dragon soared above the woods, a sharp pang in its chest abruptly appeared. It understood that it was time to bid farewell to the universe. It shut its eyes and inhaled profoundly. But as it did, a loud roar was heard from the horizon. The golden dragon opened its eyes and perceived a stunning dragon with gleaming scales and dazzling red eyes. The dragon had a huge tree branch lodged in its mouth, and it was struggling in misery. The golden dragon was aware that it had to lend a hand. It descended to the dragon and delicately tugged the branch from its mouth. The other dragon was appreciative and thanked the golden dragon for its assistance. They conversed for a while, and the golden dragon discovered that the other dragon was a ruler from a distant land. He had come to the kingdom to request the support of the dragons in a great struggle against a powerful adversary. The golden dragon was fascinated and resolved to assist the king. Together, the two dragons flew to the kingdom's castle to meet with the wise and just king. They told him of the impending danger and asked for his help. The king knew that he had to act quickly. He gathered his bravest knights and led them into battle against the enemy. The battle was fierce, and many lives were lost. But in the end, the kingdom emerged victorious. The dragons had fought bravely alongside the knights, breathing fire and causing havoc among the enemy lines. The golden dragon had played a key role in the battle, using its cunning and experience to outmaneuver the enemy's dragons. With the enemy defeated, the kingdom was safe once again. The golden dragon felt a sense of pride and joy, knowing that it had helped protect the kingdom and its people. The golden dragon and the other dragon king were getting ready to depart from the realm and go back to their residence when they were encountered by a handful of creatures. Among them was a sagacious elderly frog, who had aided the supernatural potato some years ago. The frog approached the golden dragon and said, 'I have been watching you for many years, and I have seen how you have protected and cared for the kingdom's dragons. You have shown great courage and wisdom, and you have inspired many with your deeds. But now, it is time for you to rest.' The golden dragon nodded, knowing that the frog was right. It had lived a long and happy life, and it was time for it to pass on its legacy to the next generation. The frog then turned to the other dragon and said, 'And you, young king, have shown great bravery and determination. You have proven yourself to be a worthy ally of the kingdom. I believe that you will one day become a great leader.'' The other dragon expressed gratitude to the frog and the golden dragon before ascending into the heavens, prepared to go back to its own realm. The golden dragon observed as the other dragon flew away, feeling a sense of accomplishment and optimism. It was certain that the kingdom was in good hands and that the dragons' lineage would last for many years. As the golden dragon prepared to take its final flight, it looked out over the kingdom one last time. It saw the rolling hills, the majestic castles, and the bustling cities. And it knew that it had played a small part in making this kingdom great. With a final breath, the golden dragon took to the sky, its wings glimmering in the sunlight. As it flew higher and higher, it felt its body becoming lighter and more free. The pain in its chest was gone, and it knew that it was finally at peace. As it flew over the forest, the golden dragon observed a congregation of youthful dragons collected in a meadow beneath. They were intently paying attention as an older dragon recounted stories of victorious battles and conquered foes. The golden dragon knew that its heritage would live on through these juvenile dragons, who would persevere in protecting and caring for the kingdom's citizens and dragons. With a final roar of triumph, the golden dragon flew higher into the sky until it was no longer visible to the naked eye. But its spirit remained, carried on the winds and echoed in the hearts of all who had been touched by its courage and wisdom. And so, the golden dragon's legacy lived on, inspiring generations to come.

  • The Wolf gobbled the potato and shortly afterwards there were colossal castles, bustling towns, and boats sailing the ocean. The golden dragon noticed the potato zip past the tree and he was dozing so deeply that the branches trembled. The Wolf had propped its charcoal paws against the window, and the children spotted them from miscreants. They shouted and admired the dragon, and the youngest Kid raced after it. Then the Golden Dragon ran to a baker, and said, “I have always wanted to see the world from the sky, but I can't fly. Do you think you could take me for a ride?” After the baker completed massaging his toes, he hurried to the miller and exclaimed, 'Jump on!' The potato scrambled up the dragon's back, and they began to soar through the clouds. But the frog stated, 'If you won't, I shall consume you.' Then the frog smiled. 'That's the attitude. I am confident in you, little potato. To assist you on your mission, I shall bestow upon you a unique power. I will transform you into an enchanted potato, able to sprout wings and soar.'' At that moment, the unfortunate person proceeded for a short period and then uttered, 'Allow me in, Kids! Your lovely small mom has arrived home, and has brought something for each of you from the woods.” The small children wept, 'Proving to everyone that even the most unexpected alliances could reach greatness.' Alternatively, He pushed his paws into the window, causing the kids to be astounded. They had never seen a dragon before and yet here was the Wolf! One day, whilst ambling around the village, a loud roar reverberated from the neighbouring woodland. Intrigued, the potato trundled in the direction of the noise. However, the Wolf discovered them all and did not hesitate, swiftly swallowing each one up his gullet. The youngest in the time-piece was the only one with their dependable farming implements. When the Wolf had satisfied his appetite, he took himself off, laid himself down the dirt path, it encountered a rabbit who was lounging in the grass. Shortly thereafter, the aged Goat returned from the woodland. Oh! What an incredible spectacle she beheld there! The abode-door which stood prominent among the other dwellings in Tater Town was present as well. It had hoped to attain something more than it was, and when she had cut further, it beheld all the marvellous views it had never laid eyes on before. She sought her children, but they were a sight to behold, with their scaly bodies, sharp talons, and powerful wings. But there was one dragon that was different from the rest. This and made his voice soft with it. At length, in her grief she went on many adventures together, using their unique abilities to help others and explore the world. They became known throughout the land as many of them into his stomach as they could get in. And the mother sewed him up to the beast and said, 'Let me help you with that branch.' The dragon was surprised but grateful for the offer. It opened its mouth and the potato used its sturdy body head out, and when she had cut farther, all six sprang out one after another, and were all still alive, and had suffered no hurt whatever, for greatness and that it would make a difference in the world. So that he remained oblivious and never moved an inch. When the Wolf had his slumber, he advanced, the potato beheld a magnificent dragon with gleaming scales and piercing red eyes. The dragon had gulped them whole. What rejoicing there was! They became renowned across the kingdom as icons of courage, resolution, and optimism. And the kingdom prospered, due to their boldness and verve. The frog gazed ponderously at the potato. 'Could I still be alive?' The Kid had to dash home and acquire scissors, and a needle and thread, and the Goat ripped open the monster’s belly. Just after she confirmed that they were defended and taken care of. The dragons lived in a great forest at the fringe of the kingdom, and it was there that they passed their days. The potato paused momentarily and then declared, 'I comprehend that it won't be a straightforward endeavor, yet I won't quit. I will not unlock the door, our mother doesn't have the same black feet as you. You are the Wolf!' Far down in the immense forest, the golden dragon had aged and become tired. It had led an extended and contented life, but it knew its days were numbered. It had observed as many dragons came and went, and it had watched the world evolve and expand. In spite of all the alterations, the golden dragon recognized it would always be a part of the kingdom's heritage. As the golden dragon soared above the woods, a sharp pang in its chest abruptly appeared. It understood that it was time to bid farewell to the universe. It shut its eyes and inhaled profoundly. But as it did, a loud roar was heard from the horizon. The golden dragon opened its eyes and perceived a stunning dragon with gleaming scales and dazzling red eyes. The dragon had a huge tree branch lodged in its mouth, and it was struggling in misery. The golden dragon realized it ought to offer assistance. It swooped down and carefully removed the branch from its jaws. The other dragon was thankful and expressed gratitude to the golden dragon for its aid. They conversed for a bit, and the golden dragon became aware that the other dragon was a monarch from a faraway realm. He had arrived in the kingdom to seek the aid of the dragons in a major conflict against a formidable foe. The golden dragon was captivated and made a decision to assist the king. Simultaneously, the two dragons ascended to the kingdom's stronghold to confer with the wise and fair ruler. They informed him of the impending peril and requested his assistance. The ruler realized that he had to take action swiftly. He assembled his bravest knights and guided them into battle against the foe. The fight was intense, resulting in numerous casualties. Yet, in the end, the kingdom was triumphant. The dragons had fought courageously with the knights, spewing flames and causing damage to the hostile ranks. The golden dragon had been a decisive factor in the battle, utilising its strategy and know-how to outsmart the adversary's dragons. The foe was vanquished, making the kingdom secure again. The golden dragon was ecstatic, realizing that it had contributed to the guardianship of the kingdom and its citizens. As the golden dragon and the other dragon king prepared to leave the kingdom and return home, they were approached by a small group of animals. Among them was a wise old frog, who had helped the magical potato many years before. The frog drew near to the golden dragon and uttered, 'I have been observing you for a long time, and I have noted your care and protection of the kingdom's dragons. You have been brave and sagacious, and you have stirred many with your actions. Nevertheless, now it is time for you to take a break.' The golden dragon gave a nod, cognizant that the frog was accurate. It had lived an extensive and contented life, and it was time to hand over its heritage to the future generation. The frog then spoke to the other dragon and declared, 'And you, young king, have revealed tremendous courage and persistence. You have established yourself to be a reliable ally of the kingdom. I am confident that you will eventually become a great leader.'' The other dragon thanked the frog and the golden dragon and took to the sky, ready to return to his own kingdom. The golden dragon watched as the other dragon flew away, feeling a sense of pride and hope. It knew that the kingdom was in good hands and that the legacy of the dragons would live on for generations to come. As the golden dragon braced itself for its ultimate flight, it gazed out over the kingdom one last time. It observed the rolling hills, the magnificent castles, and the bustling cities. And it was aware that it had played a minor role in making this kingdom great. With a final breath, the golden dragon ascended to the sky, its wings gleaming in the sunlight. As it flew higher and higher, it felt its body becoming more buoyant and liberated. The distress in its chest was gone, and it knew that it had at last achieved harmony. On its flight through the forest, the golden dragon caught sight of a number of juvenile dragons assembled in an open area down below. They were completely engrossed in the tales of triumph that an elder dragon was narrating. The golden dragon was aware that its accomplishments would be remembered by these young dragons, who would keep on safeguarding and tending to the people and dragons of the kingdom. With a loud and victorious yell, the golden dragon ascended higher into the heavens until it became invisible to the human eye. But its impact persisted, travelling with the wind and instilled in the souls of those who had been touched by its bravery and knowledge. Consequently, the golden dragon's heritage continued, encouraging future generations.


My idea was to first use Chat GPT to write two fairy tale-style stories. Then, I combined these two stories into one. I used the GPT-2 Text-Generating Model to train two fairy tales stories from Grimm's Fairy Tales initially. After that, I added the story written by Chat GPT into the training process. The next step was to generate a 3000-word story. Once I had a generated story, I used Tracery to provide it with a framework. Specifically, I asked Chat GPT to help me write different sentences with the same meaning as each sentence in the generated story. Then, I used these as a word (sentence) bank for the Tracery Grammar Source. The final result was the work for this project.

Steps of Generation

  1. I asked Chat GPT to write a fairy tale-style story about a potato.

  2. I asked Chat GPT to write a fairy tale-style story about a dragon.

  3. I asked Chat GPT to combine the Potato and the Dragon stories into one story.

  4. I asked Chat GPT to revise the combined story so that the potato and dragon meet.

  5. I trained the GPT-2 model with the combined Potato and Dragon story as the dataset, starting from the base GPT-2 model, using a learning rate of 1e-4, 2000 steps, and settings to account for the most in the model's training.

  6. I also trained the GPT-2 model with the Grimm's Fairy Tales - The Wolf and Seven Kids, using a learning rate of 1e-5, 500 steps, and settings to overwrite the previously trained model and continue training from the latest checkpoint.

  7. Feeling that the story was too short, I had Chat GPT generate a story about two dragons' trip, which provided additional material to train the GPT-2 model.

  8. I trained the GPT-2 model with the Two Dragons story, using a learning rate of 1e-5, 300 steps, and settings to overwrite the previously trained model and continue training from the latest checkpoint.

  9. I also trained the GPT-2 model with the Grimm's Fairy Tales - The Wolf and Seven Kids again, using a learning rate of 1e-5, 500 steps, and settings to overwrite the previously trained model and continue training from the latest checkpoint.

  10. With the trained model ready to generate text, I set the length of the generated text to 3000 and the temperature to 0.7, using the prefix "Potato and Dragon."

  11. However, I realized that I may have trained the Potato and Dragon story for too many steps, resulting in less crazy output than desired. As a result, I decided to use Tracery to enhance the text generation.

  12. Although I initially attempted to have Chat GPT provide me with a Tracery Grammar Source based on the generated story, the length of the text proved too challenging for the model. Instead, I separated the text into sections and used OPENAI Playground to generate two additional sentences with the same meaning as each original sentence in each section.

  13. I used a Tracery grammar to combine the revised sections of text together.

  14. Additionally, I created an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript p5.js sketch that allows users to generate a random story by clicking a button. Chat GPT's ability to write sentences with the same meaning in different words helped make the article appear more logical.


Environment Drinks (Image Generation)